<< Examples

Filename- string filename: 'super-secret-data' ... OR any string besides "id"

Name Position Age Salary
Thor Walton Regional Director 45 $98,540
Travis Clarke Software Engineer 30 $275,000
Suki Burks Office Manager 22 $67,670

export the table to .xlsx and look at the filename of the downloaded file. Compared to the export from the defaults table above, you will notice that, filename: 'super-secret-data'creates a download with the same name as the provided string (super-secret-data.xls) instead of the table element's id.

Filename- falsey filename: false ... OR any falsey: false|null|undefined|"" value

Name Position Age Salary
Thor Walton Regional Director 45 $98,540
Travis Clarke Software Engineer 30 $275,000
Suki Burks Office Manager 22 $67,670

export the table to .xlsx and look at the filename of the downloaded file. Compared to the export from the defaults table above, you will notice that, filename: false uses a fallback value for the filename; the fallback (or default) can be configured with the (defaultFilename prototype property).

NOTE: defaultFilename is also used for filename: 'id' if the export table element does NOT have an id attribute.